Newborn Session | Bellevue Newborn Photographer
I still remember when I saw my baby for the first time. My whole life changed right there and then and it has never been the same. It is close to impossible to explain the instant love you feel when you hold your baby for the first time. I immediately understood my mother and why she always worried about me so much.
I guess that is why newborn sessions are so popular now days. It is such a great way to commemorate a very special moment on your life. And it is so true when they say that they grow up so fast. They do!
Most of my newborn sessions are done at a clients home. It creates for a more relaxed atmosphere. And when you just had your baby you need as much rest as you can possibly get. This particular session was no exception. It was done at a clients home and it went really smooth.
There are a few things that I ask my clients to do to ensure the newborn session goes as easy as it can possibly go. First is to crank up the heat to a whopping 82 degrees. I know it seems fairly hot, but it does wonders for helping babies fall and stay asleep during their session. Second is to hold of feeding the baby until I arrive. Again this helps baby to stay asleep. I mean is't so much easier to be comfy when you have a belly full of food.
That's it. I bring the props and everything else I may need. I usually discuss with a clients the type of props and colors we are going to do. This one was fairly easy. We wanted to keep it in the same theme as the maternity session we did. Mom wore the same red dress that she wore for her maternity shoot, but now with her baby in tact.
I love newborn sessions, because they help me to get my baby fix. I miss it so much when my boys were little, and this is a great way to get that feeling back. When you hold someone's baby all these feeling and memories just come rushing back. I love it.
Most of the session go fairly smooth. I always recommend doing a newborn session within a week of baby being born. It is so easy to get them to stay asleep. I've noticed that usually after a week they tend to want to wonder around more, and it get very difficult to get them to close their eyes. I personally don't mind, but many parents prefer the cute little sleeping poses.
Usually the session last no more than an hour, but once in a while I had to do it for as long as three hours, because the baby just would not go to sleep. By the time I'm done I'm completely drenched is sweat from having such hight heat in the house. I don't mind though, whatever helps me to get a good shot is all worth it to me.
If you are interested in a Fine Art Session, please contact us via e-mail at
We will be more than happy to book your appointment or answer any questions you may have.
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